Well + Wild Nutrition

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Evie’s Birth Story

Everly Rose came into the world on Jun 1, 2023 at 11:06am. Here’s how it happened……

During this pregnancy, I was planning/hoping/praying for a VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean) because the birth of Elijah and the healing was so traumatic, I wanted things to go differently. I was also really hoping for less interventions. So, I was doing Spinning Babies exercises to try to encourage Baby to get in an optimal position for labor and birth. I was also going to chiropractic weekly to make room in my pelvis and stay aligned so that Baby could get into an optimal position. I also hired a doula to help support us during the birth. 

I really wanted to avoid an induction, and I knew that my providers felt the same way, making it all the more important. It also made me scared, knowing that I typically do not give birth “on time” and inductions are generally scheduled for 41 weeks at the very latest. (Lila and Elijah both came at 40 weeks + 6 days…so very close to that 41 week cut off).

I made it to 41 weeks pregnant and STILL did not have an induction date scheduled. We made an appointment where we had a biophysical profile via ultrasound to check on Baby, fluid levels, and more. The doctor gave me the option to schedule an induction for that week on Thursday (41+2) or Sunday (41+6). My choice, but she did not want me to go past 42 weeks. Though it felt good to have a plan, I was very stressed on this decision. It was hard for me to decide to wait ANY longer because I was very tired of being pregnant and wanted to meet my baby, but also I knew that allowing my body to go into labor on its own would only benefit the birth and be more supportive of a VBAC. At first I chose Thursday, but after a day of thought we decided to choose the latest possible option because it would only benefit the birth and the Baby. Ultimately, I realized this was just a lesson in relinquishing control and being patient. I decided to call and change the appointment the next morning…

However, while I was sleeping at 1am, I felt a leak. I thought for a minute that I had peed my pants a little. That didn’t quite make sense though since I was sleeping…I laid still a few moments and then shifted my body around my massive pregnancy pillow…more leaking. I knew this was not pee. As I stood up and ran to the bathroom, fluid ran down my legs and onto the floor. Even more went into the toilet. Long story short, my water had broken

I called the OB line and was advised to go into labor and delivery within an hour or so, since I was GBS+. However, I did not want to go in too early so I laid in bed and waited to see if contractions would start. I also texted Tiffney, my doula, to give her a heads up that we would be in L&D soon. For the rest of the night, I was able to mostly lay in bed although I did not sleep at all. Contractions started and began to feel pretty intense. They were not terribly regular, but when I laid in bed they did seem to stay about 7 minutes apart. Anytime I got up to use the restroom or anything they seemed to back off in intensity and consistency. Eventually, I woke up Kevin and told him we needed to go in. We made breakfast, gathered our things, and left for the hospital around 7am. Even though contractions were not as regular as I had hoped to have when I went in, I knew we needed to go in since the OB had recommended it hours ago! (and my kids were about to wake up. IYKYK!)

As we were riding to the hospital, my contractions were spaced very far apart and while we checked in at L&D, they were almost non-existent. 

At L&D, we were greeted by Maria, my favorite midwife who I had hoped would be on call for my birth! Maria checked my cervix and determined I was dilated about 2.5 cm, cervix was still posterior, and Baby was at -2 station. I was a bit disappointed to hear she was still so high up and I had barely progressed at all since my last appointment. I told my doula I probably still had a ways to go and she sent a circuit for me to do that would help the baby engage further into the pelvis. I was hooked up to monitors to keep an eye on Baby’s heart rate and contractions, antibiotics were started for my GBS, and pitocin was started on the lowest dose. At some point, I had a second, slightly smaller, gush of water breaking. 

As I was given mobile monitors and the ability to get out of bed, I started working on the circuit. The first step was just to rock and sway for 20 minutes, so that’s what I did! During that time, I started to feel contractions pick up and happen about every 3 minutes! They were definitely getting more intense as well. The next step of the circuit was to do a side lying release for 10 minutes each side. On the first side, a contraction came and I was unable to lay down during it…contractions were getting so much stronger. Before doing the next side, Maria came in and chatted for a bit and helped me remember to breathe and relax through contractions (NOT EASY). She turned the pitocin up one level. Next, a baby nurse came in to share with us about what to expect after birth and ask a few questions about treatments and birth plan things we wanted to happen. While she was in, I was not able to talk or listen to her during contractions…we had to pause our conversation for a few moments each time a contraction came. Next, Maria came back in and suggested she check me again in 1 hour to see how far I was dilated. She turned the pitocin up once more. After she left, what happened was a bit of a blur. I know contractions were feeling almost unbearable. I was thinking I wanted to get an epidural, but I wanted my doula to arrive first so I could see what support she could give me. I went to the bathroom and felt more contractions so severe that I had the thought I shouldn’t be in there alone. When I came out, I had another contraction that caused me to double over on the bed and my legs got weak…I thought I would fall to the floor. The nurse asked me if I was feeling pressure. I said YES and I actually thought I had to go use the bathroom again and go #2. I tried to go back in the bathroom and suddenly another nurse had arrived along with the midwife, Maria. They would not let me go to the bathroom! They had me lay on the bed and Maria checked how far I was dilated (this was only about 5 minutes after she said she would do this in an hour). Lo and behold, I did not have to go to the bathroom, that was a baby head.

I was 10+2 cm and ready to PUSH! It was only about 2.5 hours after we arrived at the hospital. My doula had still not even arrived! I pushed for a total of 3 contractions with 3 pushes in each contraction (so 9 pushes) and then she was OUT at 11:06am! It was so hard and I wasn’t sure I would be able to do it. 

Little Everly Rose was laid on my chest and I was just so elated. The sound of a baby’s cry has never been such a sweet relief. She was SO TINY and still covered in vernix. I held her for quite a while while they stitched me up (literally, awful). She was then taken to be weighed and whatever they do to babies. Once all the stitching was done and she was back on my chest, I nursed her for the first time. She latched on immediately and ate a full feed! Then we all got to eat and rest until we were moved to the postpartum unit a few hours later.

Everly is a dream and her birth was redemptive for me.