Well + Wild Nutrition

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How to Choose The Best Prenatal Vitamin

A prenatal vitamin is a well-known support for pregnant mamas. However, not all prenatal vitamins are created equally! After learning more deeply about nutritional needs in pregnancy, I have realized choosing the right prenatal is SO important both for creating the life of that sweet growing babe, and for nutrient needs for mama. 

As a nutrition practitioner, you will not be surprised to hear me say, a prenatal or any vitamin or supplement is SUPPLEMENTAL to first, a nutrient-dense diet. However, due to the substantial nutrient needs in the perinatal period, depletion of nutrients in our food supply, and the higher risk of nutrient deficiencies in pregnancy, a prenatal is still an essential part of prenatal nutrition and should be chosen carefully! 

Keep reading to find out how to choose the right prenatal vitamin, when you should start taking your prenatal vitamins, what ingredients to look for in a prenatal, what other supplements to take for pregnancy, and my favorite prenatal recommendation! 

Qualities to look for:

  1. Nutrient forms 

    • Nutrients are found in different forms, even in nature. Some forms are preferred by the body, and can be absorbed exactly as they are. Others require conversions into different forms before they can be absorbed. Some people have trouble with the conversion process, and for those that can convert, generally you lose some of the quantity of the nutrient during conversion. For this reason, having the supplement contain the most bioavailable form of the nutrient is critical. 

  2. Nutrient amounts

    • Many prenatals on the market are putting the nutrients in their formula, but they are not using enough. They do this either because the nutrient is bulky and would require too many pills (and that doesn’t sell as well), or it is expensive. It is common practice for prenatal companies to include just enough of a nutrient so that you see it on the label, but not enough that it provides you with the nutrients you and baby need. This is a practice sometimes referred to as “fairy dusting”. Since some of these important nutrients are quite bulky, you realistically can’t get what you need from one or two pills a day. On top of this, the recommended daily amounts (RDAs) are created from the philosophy to avoid disease. They are not created with optimal health in mind. The amount of vitamin C needed to avoid scurvy, versus the ideal amount to support a growing baby, nutrients for moms hormones, immune system, placenta, pelvic floor and so on. So on a quality prenatal expect to see RDA percentages far over 100%. 

Nutrients to look for:

  • Activated B vitamins

    • Folate

      • (L-methylfolate or 5-methyltetrahydrofolate)

    • B6

      • (pyridoxal-5”-phosphate)

    • B12

      • (methylcobalamin or adenosylcobalamin)

  • Vitamin A

    • (at least a portion should be retinol or retinyl palmitate)

  • Iodine

  • Choline

  • Magnesium

  • Selenium

  • Vitamin D

    • (as D3, cholecalciferol)

  • Vitamin K2

Other Supplements for Pregnancy:

  • Collagen

    • Most women are deficient in protein on a regular day, but needs in pregnancy are even greater! Collagen is such an easy way to increase protein. I love that collagen is high in specific amino acids, like glycine, that are so crucial for building the placenta, skin stretching, and even immune system support.

    • This is my favorite collagen because they source from healthy animals and test for glyphosate!


    • EPA/DHA is great for inflammatory management for baby and mom, which is so important to keep any inflammation regulated. 

    • Most importantly, DHA/EPA is what makes up a brain and is used heavily for brain development for baby.

    • See my recommendations here!

  • Probiotic

    • Helps seed baby’s gut that will set them up for their life- baby gets an imprint of mama’s gut. It can also help mom with some digestive issues common in pregnancy, like morning sickness and constipation.

    • See my recommendations here!

  • Iron 

    • Iron needs increase in pregnancy, but needs can vary greatly for each individual. This is why I do not recommend iron as part of your prenatal supplement. It is important to have your iron levels checked regularly and supplement iron according to your needs. My favorite way to supplement iron is through beef liver pills, or iron rich foods. If you opt for an iron supplement, look for iron bisglycinate. This iron is the most available to the body because it includes retinol and copper, which are both required for the body to absorb iron. Talk to your practitioner about your iron needs, and how often to supplement beef liver along with your prenatal, if that is your choice (for instance, I do not add it every day and replace it with a portion of my prenatal). 

    • Favorite beef liver supplements - https://www.perfectsupplements.com/?Click=60d79545298f9

Who needs a prenatal?

  • Any mama should take these if she…

    • Is currently pregnant

    • Plans to start trying to conceive in 3-6 months

      • Yes, it is important to take a prenatal vitamin before pregnancy! Taking a prenatal vitamin before getting pregnant helps egg quality for fertility. It also starts building up nutrient stores for mom because nutrient needs are so high in pregnancy and postpartum. This is especially important if mom is coming into pregnancy after having another babe a few years prior. Nutrient stores can help feed baby during a hard first trimester, and can help mom avoid morning sickness if depletion was the root cause! 

    • Is within the first 6 months of postpartum, nursing or not! (and can continue longer if desired, could possibly cut dose down)

      • Postpartum recovery requires a ton of nutrients to help rebuild and restore after pregnancy and childbirth. This helps mama have a smoother postpartum period. 

      • If nursing, nursing requires even more nutrients than pregnancy! 


  • I have heard only 100% food based supplements are okay and all synthetic vitamins will hurt me. Is this true?

    • Nope! While a food-first approach is preferred, the quality of our soil and toxic load is so high these days that sometimes a synthetic vitamin is preferred and necessary. It is just crucial to ensure the company you go with is using great care when choosing or creating their synthetics.

  • Can I just take beef liver instead of a prenatal? 

    • Yes and no. Beef liver is wildly nutrient dense, however ON ITS OWN, it is simply not enough. It can be part of a wonderful prenatal stack though, and I’d encourage that. I take liver or organ blends with an ancestral approach. Ancestrally, people were not coming into contact with meat in abundance daily. I take it alongside my prenatal 1-2 times weekly. On those days, I may use it to replace my prenatal or I may take half of my prenatal (depending on how I am eating- like the first trimester I’m probably taking all of it if I can get the pills down).

  • When is the best time to take my prenatal vitamins?

    • This can vary depending on how you feel! I take mine spread throughout the day. I aim to take with food to improve how well it is digested or absorbed (but better to take it at all than with food if you forget!). For some people, they find taking supplements brings on nausea, so if this is you, taking them right before bed might be beneficial. For others, B vitamins can give you energy and keep some awake at night, so if this is you, taking some with breakfast and some with lunch would be best. 

My favorite prenatal vitamin Recommendation:

My favorite prenatal vitamin that covers all of these boxes (and more), is by Needed. I love that they have a powdered option that can be mixed into smoothies, oatmeal, etc to make it easier to get down if swallowing pills is too hard! I feel confident this product meets the needs of pregnant or nursing mothers because it is formulated by women, mamas, and a team of professional doctors and nutritionists.
Click HERE to check out Needed prenatals and use code WELLANDWILD for 20% your first order, or first 3 months subscription! If you prefer the complete plan, use WELLANDWILD100 for $100 off the first 3 months (total- $33.33 off month 1, 2, and 3). 

You can also find it on FullScript and take a peek at my other prenatal supplement recommendations.

Interested in more prenatal and fertility content? Download my free class on Fertility Nutrition here!